Trophy 2014
Trophy 2012
Trophy 2010
Trophy 2008
Trophy 2006
Trophy 2004
Trophy 2002



JFolder: :files: Der Pfad ist kein Verzeichnis! Pfad: /home/.sites/22/site1177/web/hochschwabtrophy/images/trophy_2012,crop=1,crop_factor=50,ratio=0,thumbs=2
JFolder: :files: Der Pfad ist kein Verzeichnis! Pfad: /home/.sites/22/site1177/web/hochschwabtrophy/images/trophy_2010,crop=1,crop_factor=50,ratio=0,thumbs=2
JFolder: :files: Der Pfad ist kein Verzeichnis! Pfad: /home/.sites/22/site1177/web/hochschwabtrophy/images/trophy_2008,crop=1,crop_factor=50,ratio=0,thumbs=2
JFolder: :files: Der Pfad ist kein Verzeichnis! Pfad: /home/.sites/22/site1177/web/hochschwabtrophy/images/trophy_2006,crop=1,crop_factor=50,ratio=0,thumbs=2
JFolder: :files: Der Pfad ist kein Verzeichnis! Pfad: /home/.sites/22/site1177/web/hochschwabtrophy/images/trophy_2004,crop=1,crop_factor=50,ratio=0,thumbs=2
JFolder: :files: Der Pfad ist kein Verzeichnis! Pfad: /home/.sites/22/site1177/web/hochschwabtrophy/images/trophy_2002,crop=1,crop_factor=50,ratio=0,thumbs=2


There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/trophy_2012,crop=1,crop_factor=50,ratio=0,thumbs=2
There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/trophy_2010,crop=1,crop_factor=50,ratio=0,thumbs=2
There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/trophy_2008,crop=1,crop_factor=50,ratio=0,thumbs=2
There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/trophy_2006,crop=1,crop_factor=50,ratio=0,thumbs=2
There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/trophy_2004,crop=1,crop_factor=50,ratio=0,thumbs=2
There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/trophy_2002,crop=1,crop_factor=50,ratio=0,thumbs=2
Feuerwehr: Rohrbach am Kulm
Bezirk, Bundesland Weiz, Steiermark
Hochschwabtrophy: 2012, 2014
Schnellste Angriffszeit in Bronze: 34,59
Schnellste Angriffszeit in Silber: 37,89
Größte Erfolge: 2. Rang Parallelbewerb (Silber) Landesleistungsbewerb 2014
3. Rang Parallelbewerb (Bronze) Landesleistungsbewerb 2011

Teilnehmer 2024

Für mehr Infos auf den Namen klicken. Stand: 20.4.2024

Turnau 1 + 2 (BM) 
St. Katharein a. d. Laming (BM)
Picheldorf 1 + 2 (BM)
Göritz Pogier (BM)

Trattenbach (Nö)
Münchendorf 1 (Nö)
Stanz i. M. 1 (Stmk)
Stanz i. M. 2 (Stmk)
Kobenz (Stmk)
Prebensdorf (Stmk)
Thallern 1 (Nö)
Zillingtal (B)
Gasen (Stmk)
Aigen 1 (Nö)
Edelsdorf (Stmk)
St. Kathrein a. H. (Stmk)
Baumgarten (Stmk)
Schäffern 1 (Stmk)
Schäffern 2 (Stmk)
Fressnitz 1 (Stmk)
Bischoffeld (Stmk)
Klingenbach (B)
Pusterwald (Stmk)
St. Nikolai im Sausal (Stmk)
Grossau (Nö) 
Reichendorf (Stmk)
Reichenfels-St. Peter (K)
Rettenegg (Stmk)
Krieglach (Stmk)